Sunday, 13 May 2012

Insomniacs Page....

or for those moments when like DC you are ahem "late in from a sail", post your musings here....

(Miss Babs did not give you a service like this!)


  1. No, she brougt about my narcolepsy!

    Leprosy can...

  3. She was really what was wrong with the show with her mindless giggling. Bryan is harmless.

    1. I for one never was never taken in by it plus I'd like to know how exactly she got her start in the Corporation!

    2. Her father being Jimmy Mack would do her no harm

    3. Wonder how the "interview" would have went?

  4. Replies
    1. 'come own, get aff, heeheehee"

    2. That's whit I would say when Jimmy MacK came on the radio... Scotland or Clyde!

    I do hope Liam & Noel are not tempted to inflict any more "tunes" on us.

    1. Did the "Lawman" ever record anything when he sank United?

    2. His goal didnt relegate United. That's a myth. Ask Norrie if you dont believe me.

    3. Yeah Myth. And the The King must be fair scunnered with it!

  6. there is little mystery about how people come about getting gainful employment. there was a good article in the paper recently by gary younge, the finest writer in the press at the moment, who was analysing that sort of grip on power the 'governing class' exerts. however such is the closed outlook of this class , they believe they have their position through their own talent and skills! I have never been convinced by the rapport between presenter and producer. i think the presenter is genuinely supportive of the 'blog', after all on many occasions it supplied the enriching texture of the script...i think the production staff couldn't see the 'blog' far enough.
    there was one apparent innocent remark made a few weeks ago when the presenter said that 'when they arrived in the studio at 5 o'clock'......i think it was a coded message from the presenter indicating there were other forces at work and instead of using the depth of input from the 'blog' it would be much easier to merely use the immediacy of texting, twittering,f/booking as the bbc assigned other duties to the team as part of some rationalisation and cost during the day they weren't working on GIO at all.
    just a thought.

    1. Fair point.

      I'd also care to add I always felt some producers couldn't handle that some of their audience were better subject matter experts than they were... BB appeared to be less intimidated / relaxed with such a situation!

    2. ah kno'.
      the presenter has got there through talent, knowledge,hard work and genuine empathy with the audience.

  7. This 'immediacy' of twatter and fake book, I don't understand it. Someone types and submits, they read it at the other end. We're not talking second class post here. All electronic methods are as fast as the other, it's just the will of the recipient to check that's the issue.


  8. Can't argue with that and Kene issued a similar challenge on the "Last Post".

    Gaie, did "they" ever grace you with a reply to your eloquent e-mail expressing disappointment at closure of the blog?

    1. This was it, Madmac - intelligence-insulting hot air:

      Thanks very much for getting in touch Gaie, and giving us your thoughts on the blog.

      As Bryan said in the final post, we felt that it was no longer providing you with a platform to get your music on air. We could see that a community of friends had grown and I'm pleased to see that you are organising things to ensure that your friendship can continue and the dialogue about music which you all enjoy is able to take place.

      The blog started out at a point when social media was just beginning, and as mentioned,
      over the past couple of years the way we communicate has moved on. Your suggestions were and are just as important to us no matter what the means of getting in touch is - so I look forward to you emails from now onwards. It's worth adding that we do still want to get those considered choices which the bloggers enjoyed providing.

      Thanks again for getting in touch


    2. Gaie, I really do want to believe this was written with genuine sincerity but I think Ms Baps listens to too much hype & should put her money where her mouth and tell rest of the web "blogs are a thing of the past!"

  9. irrespective of the bbc future spin, the closure of the blog is a disaster for the show. the show is now less inclusive,less knowledgable,less eclectic,less interesting and there will be now less measured fact there will be no criticism at all and that in itself is a poor outlook.
    one person on the show knows all of this of course. i actually think he's at a loss. on the couple of occasions i tuned in on the car last week all i heard was food food food then he read out a full recipe?nobody would do that voluntarily.its all in the voice.

    1. Looks like we've got the start of a sequel here. Cue the low, growling voice...

      "You thought you'd heard it all....

      From the show that brought you the proclaimers twice a week, and enough Morrisey to rid the world of insomnia,

      Just when you thought it was safe to tune in again,

      on 92-95 FM, it's GET IT ON - THE HOB"

  10. Who's posting anonymously? Have to say I agree Bryan probably had more empathy with the blog than the senior producer. However he did mention once that when facebook gained in popularity they split the responsibilities and he took facebook with Babs taking the blog...except she probably didn't. Wouldn't read too much into the 5 o'clock studio thing as that would be normal. However they've probably already had their daily meeting upstairs in the office / canteen / bar. The thing that grates about all this is that there have been reasons given for shutting the blog but none of the arguements hold up. If it has gone as a cost cutting exercise then they should say no. If it's gone because they didn't like what they would see as destructive criticism then be honest enough and say so. The reasons they have actually given just don't wash and for that they lose my respect.

    1. The style of anonymous's post would deserve a 'Regardez youse'


  11. Anoni Anun Anonny A Secret Poster14 May 2012 at 09:18

    And just what is that supposed to mean?
