Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Show Me Heaven

Yes! Soundtracks. Bryan is Holding Out For a Hero - please do not let him down!


  1. Pretty In Pink
    Purple Rain
    Show Me Heaven
    Take My Breath Away
    Stuck In The Middle With You

  2. Oh stop the Proclaimer hating. I can't wait to see the film. One of The Daughter's best friend's a dancer in it too! If as much as one Hibs scarf is twirled however, furious twittering to Dexter Fletcher shall ensue. Jx

    1. I don't hate them. I saw them at Stirling Castle at Hogmanay and they were very good.

    2. There was no sunshine on Stirling unfortunately. Horizontal sleet (:-(

      What you need is a Hibs scarf. Just twirl it roon yer heid.

    4. Why cant we hate the Proclaimers? They are truly awful.

  3. If I had a Morton scarf I'd probably be twirling it.

    I see Glen's going for world domination over on FB.

    I'm reading a book called Trampled Underfoot about Led Zep just now. It's quite boring.

    So there we are. Night night.


    1. I include links because they don't get played. Like an alternative programme.

    2. Diversity opposed to Conformity in Glen's case.

    3. Apparently that is Mac's logic also.

    4. there's definitely a need for an alternative programme. The last time I heard a snippet, on the way to Gaelic class, someone was telling how they'd made chicken stock from a chicken bone. You can imagine how hard it was for me to switch off and go to class, wondering all the while what I might be missing.

      MM, The Blackhouse is to be on the radio next week.

    5. Thanks Gaie I'll let him know ;-)

  4. i dont get to hear the show much this weather but i tuned in on the way to table tennis this evening and was intrigued to hear someone request 'merry xmas mr. lawrence'....not a tune i'd ever associated with being more famous than the some background info......the film was premièred at the edinburgh international film festival in the playhouse in 1983 and there was speculation that bowie would turn up (he didn't)...the film was based on some work by lauren van der post who did turn up and he gave a talk which was quite nice...but the best part was on leaving the cinema who should walk past me in the foyer but the director nagisa oshima and i thrust the programme into his hands to autograph which he did.....a prized and much loved for the film?.......tenko? for the tune? forgettable?....

    cheers frae the dale

    1. I met Jimmy Savile once. I thrust nothing into his hand.

  5. Our mandolin class played Julie's Third Man Theme with varying levels of accuracy.
