Friday, 8 March 2013

Wifies in rock

Well apart from Deborah Harry who else do you like?


  1. If you want something played, say you like Dusty, k.d. Or Annie

    Julie x

    1. I do like k.d

      But Marianne Faithful is a really interesting old burd.

  2. Bonnie Tyler!!!!
    A shoo in.

  3. Oh for f--k sake.. it'll be June Carter!

  4. ..and Debbie Harry

    Who's the special guest on Monday? I dont see it on the site.

    1. Tom Mortons son the baking boy

    2. Much as I liked him on GBBO...with his geek specs and his velo en choux and his tank tops and the fact he's Scottish and oh yes, he's really good at baking but he's going to be a doctor and I quite took to him (in a favourite Cub/motherly way)'s still just another case of Radio Scotland keeping it in the family...and another excuse for more blether about food than playing music. I baked banana muffins the other night and I once won a Very Highly Commended for a collage at The Royal Highland show...maybe that qualifies me to be their next Comic Relief Special Guest...not that I have any interest at all in being on the radio I hasten to add...I'll leave that to Henri Vance ;o)

    3. My big sister went to collage.

  5. i have reliable information that monday night's funny person is

    a.l. kennedy who i would love to go and see but she'd have to pay.

    cheers frae the dale

  6. In case you missed it MM.

    The last post is dated 04 May.

    Thing-Fish's epitaph is 18 June.

    A s l o w death,

    a s l o w death

  7. Whoops, I thought the 4th is was Sunday this year not a Saturday.

    1. Lots of posts between early May and mid June then?

      Emdy in touch with thon lassie fae Canada? Or BigFish? Or Al fae the Ferry?

      Frodo? (Naw, that was Eric in Glen)

      Scotch could probably fill the show himself!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Arc light .. Charlie don't ever see 'em or hear 'em, man.

  9. Is it old heartbroken bloggers your looking for?

    1. Saltspringsherri8 March 2013 at 23:00

      Someone call my name?

    2. How do we know who you claim to be, identify yourself.

      For all we know you could be yon French dude.

  10. Well, given that the 4th of May was when they pulled the plug but it falls on the weekend, I think we should go with "The Last Post" which as Glen says was the 18th of June. This year its a Tuesday, traditonally the day they do Space as a theme which would be fitting.
    BTW Dale, I presume you and your gang are over here for the Laureus awards this weekend. Where are you staying?

    1. I see Oscar Pistorius won last year. He must have a good chance this year with putting the shot.

    2. You're up late! (Its only half nine here).
      Which reminds me that we need to get the Liquid Bloggers signed up for the Blog anniversary.
      I do miss my Friday and Saturday nights with the likes o the Erskine boy and Jan fae Rutherglen.

    3. this weekend the choir have bigger fish....singing at the cambridge half marathon.....although i wouldn't be surprised if they had an overseas slot in 2016.......that takes me back to the halcyon salad days of last summer when on a rare day off i ventured into somerset house where rio 2016 were partying....out in the piaza of somerset house with its fountains a rio tv station was handing out 'musthave' yellow tops.....just like a brazilian strip.......i so wanted one.....but there was a had to be interviewed, to be beamed back to rio.....i sat for a while pondering if i should or shouldn' the end i opted for going to see the free 50 years Stones photographic exhibition and a visit to University College Chapel which is a mustsee if ever you are in the vicinity of somerset house.

      cheers frae the dale

  11. Saturday morning music:

    Blues for Greeny (Gary Moore)

    Great stuff

  12. Morning Men, at ease.

    We go on Friday the 3rd, date closest to "their" last blog posting.
    A short sharp maximum effort that will be easily sustainable and mitigates exposure to loss of public support.
    This operation is classified, please apply extreme predudice at all times. Code word is Online.
    Finally, this is an open channel and not all as yet have expressed their commitment .. "keep your friends close but your enemies closer".


    1. I'm in. I do remember being 5 people all at one time when they did the really stupid Friday five thing. Can't recall my names though.

      Was at a birthday party last night, old guys in band played no' bad though the singer was a bit off-key. Then a couple of young guys, birthday girl's son-in-law and his pal I think, came on to sing and play guitar with the band and they all played Strange Brew, White Room and The Seeker and they were simply .... awesome.

      I love The Seekers!

      "Rockin', Rollin', Ridin',

      Out Along the Bay,

      All Bound for Morningtown,

      Many Miles Away!


    3. Now that's what I call music.

    4. .. & the New Seekers, Goodbye Is Just Another Word?

    5. Now your talking MM!
      "Beg, Steal or Borrow" brilliant Eurovision 2nd place.

      Which reminds me of Henri's favorite...

    6. Nope, I've checked here and they never made the Cut, Glen.

      How many of those songs can we all sing along to?

      SG, admit, it was Judith Durham you loved.

    7. yes please make it 3rd may............put in loads of requests for 'dale kelvin's birthday'....that would be a serious laugh.......

      what have we got tonight Ms. B.......

      oh, we've had mad mac phone in for a request for dale's birthday and we've just had a text from thang_fush and a twitter from gaie and henri hannah all asking for 'cap'n beefheart plays frank zappa' and we've just had an e-mail from dale thanking us for playing the song......

      aye, its a busy night we'll line it up for later........

      cheers frae the dale

    8. Absolutely... give us a tune we all could request en masse?
      It'd be our kinda' smart bomb.

  13. Bryan just tweeted this: 'In terms of DJ heroes give me Tony Blackburn over John Peel any day.'


    Rolling Stone poll of Tom Petty's records gave 'Wildflowers' as No 1 over 'Damn the Torpedoes'


    1. I have to say, I'm with Bryan on this one.
      You follow BB on Tw*tter do you?

    2. apparently - I don't remember asking to follow him, but maybe it came as a bogof when I signed up to GetItOn back in the day. He doesn't write much, just running and other boring stuff. One I do like is The Guardian music - there's all sorts of interesting info comes through that. I had Limmy for about half an hour one day because he's sometimes very funny on the telly, (and it has to be said sometimes not at all) but snowed under with about 500 tweets I swiftly unfollowed him.

    3. He might play crap but your daughter would be safe with Tony (and Bryan,of course)

    4. I'd prefer Petty's Hard Promises, Full Moon Fever or You're Gonna Get It.

    5. Woudn't have put Wildflowers top myself - Hard Promises is my most played since RAH

    6. well here's my tuppence worth.........i think john peel is overrated, and found him irritating and i would be equally perplexed if TB had any sort of rating.

      as for limmy.........he's a scream..... this is very clever stuff indeed........

      cheers frae the dale

    7. he is a scream when on form, but it's the kind of show where you tell your friends how funny it is so they all come round to yours to watch it and guaranteed he'll be having an off-night.

    8. Limmy makes me nervous.. some characters cause me to reflect on former acquaintances from Linnvale in the 60's & early 70's.

    9. I'm with the John Peel side. Towny Blekbahn welcomed all to "Burtis Land"

      Peelie would have spoken to a Fifer first.

      Arnold was the star of the show that was really the warm up act to Jimmy Young

      What's the recipe today, Jim?

      They should have invited Sir J.Y. to present tomorrow's show.


      Until today, I had never heard of Limmy.

      Y'all know that old saying, "Ignorance is bliss."?

      Pure troo, by the way!

  14. Peel V's Blackburn

    One's legacy.. "sessions" the other's.. perruquier "creations".

  15. The 3rd of May is it? How am I supposed t remember that?

      The 3rd. of May is the anniversary of the birth of the mother of my child.

      "The best way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it once."

      E. Joseph Cossman

  16. Can we not make it the 3rd of September a day I'll always remember

  17. Or the last day of june when the pavements are steamin

  18. Or Independence day when all men must make their way

  19. or the 6th of june with a kenworth pulling logs

  20. or the 3rd of june another sleepy dusty delta day

  21. Or the 1st of December, covered in snow from the turnpike in Stockbridge to Boston

  22. Or May the 10th Richmond had fell, it's a time I remember oh so well

    1. for weeks on end you don't see a single paolo, then.....

  23. I'm uncomfortable about Peel's sainthood in the same way I'm uncomfortable with the blessed John Lennon.

    Peel might have been disappointed in the way Marc Bolan dumped him once superstardom kicked in, but it was little different to the way Peel dumped previously championed bands and musicians overnight.

    Indeed, what continues to mystify me is the adulation held for the con-trick fashion statement called 'punk' championed by Peel and an act of cynical manipulation. True 'punk' is unlistenable and what is called 'punk' is it's antithesis: music made by gifted musicians and songwriters in a highly stylised way.

    Blackburn wins it,on balance: he wasn't trying to make out he was greater than the sum of his parts, simply trying to entertain.You were entertained or not.I wasn't.

    I'm all for being entertained rather than educuated as to what's cool hip and trendy, (which is the worst part of Peel's legacy - people being encouraged to think by self -important, self-indulgent presenters that some music/ performers is/are more important or more significant than any other) - and in that regard my DJ hero is and always has been the great radio entertainer,Kenny Everett.

    1. Casey Kasem a legend in his own jumper

  24. I have no Bowie in my collection but I think I might get this new one. I'm attracted by the world-weary tone.

  25. Third of May is an anagram of Day of Mirth

  26. Henry, Interesting & considered points raised .. where do you stand on self indulgent shouts / plays on the show .. enlightenment or entertainment for the audience?

  27. Wifies in rock is it?

    The Story / Brandi Carlile

    Even if she is some other burd's wifi
    Her voice is better than her spellchecker and it has a touch of the Bonnie tyler about it when she get's going. Check out her appearance on Jools a few moons ago on youchoob.

  28. I think the moment has passed, Paulo.

    1. Pfft an out of date blog is it?

  29. All shouts on GIO, whether for Bohemian Rhapsody or Big Eyed Beans From Venus are,de facto, self indulgent because they've been requested by someone who wants to hear that track on the radio.

    When I discover something I like that I was unaware of, I'm both entertained and thrilled. Notwithstanding the demise of the blog, this still happens.

    In this important sense, for a music fan, GIO remains worth listening to because amongst much obvious pop music are real gems.It may seem surprising, but I believe it to be the case that GIO is more eclectic than the station as a whole.

    GIO has about 100,000 listeners of an evening.With 100 f***book shouts, some emails, telephone calls and inumerable texts and tweets, on a busy night the show might get 300 shouts for, say, 22 tracks capacity.

    Therfore about 0.3% of the audience contribute, the rest are casually listening as they drive home, or chomp on an Anchovy Costini with a Lemon and Mustard Sauce or are dropping Vicky off at Brownies or whatever.

    Moreover the 0.3% are more or less constantly the same 0.3% but they comprise, I think,of two groups.

    1) rigid and inflexible hard core fans of particular artists, genres or decades - hence Eric Zoha's almost nightly shout for Queen, theme irrespective (and sometimes, mine for McCartney).

    2) a smaller group (maybe 0.03%) are serious music fans who through knowledge and research contribute disproportionately to the eclecticism of the show. These were mostly but not exclusively, the bloggers.

    It is in the gift of the producer and presenter which of the self-indulgent to indulge on any particular evening, however, part of their difficulty will be trying to assess what the 99.7% who don't contribute are interested in hearing as they drive home, chomp, deliver.

    Personally, I think they are way too conservative and underestimate the extent to which the show would be better and more entertaining by being less obvious - why compete with the commericla stations - but you can hardly blame their caution in trying to be both populist and reflecting the preponderance of the shouts as they assess them on the night.

    To be fair, the % that is 'eclectic' is roughly in line with the % request balance, so much as I think the approach unnecessarily conservative I don't think it's out of synch with the audience bias overall.I accept it's not just me who has to be entertained.

    In terms of entertainment it's Radio Scotland's genre specific shows I've got an issue with, not GIO, though I would love to 'guest produce' an episode of GIO. Big charity donation for that one!

      Well, they won't have to worry about entertaining this git next week. The themes are mince.

      Does anyone have the means to contact Billy in Alloa? I fear the reason he has not been around for a few days is that I have inadvertently upset him.

      penitent git

    2. why? what have you done now?

    3. You'll have to give me some pointers. I have to try really hard to offend.

  30. Ken Bruce's popmaster compiler10 March 2013 at 19:11

    The show would benefit from producers with extensive musical knowledge rather than those that own the odd NOW album.

  31. composed of mince

    comprises mince

  32. It's 80s night on Friday. don't think we've had that theme before

  33. on the issue of great dj's............the beeb actually had two outstanding presenters during the eighties and early nineties......they were on Radio 2 at 11pm onwards........adrian finneghan and martin kelner.......both were original, funny, entertaining, engaging and always worth the listen...i wonder why they were got rid off.

    i must admit to being a bit of a kelner groupie, his column on the back of the grauniad's monday sports pullout was mostly the only thing i read....but alas he was given the boot a few weeks ago....much to his annoyance....he does punditry on five live.

    cheers frae the dale
