Monday, 28 January 2013


Yes it is finally time for Outlaw Pete (Julies former favourite Cat) as GIO inspires us all with theme about pets.


  1. The late great Big Fat (Outlaw) Pete...Waaaaaah...Sob!


  2. For Julie:

    The Walkmen - "The Rat"

    Since when was a chicken a pet? Mair like a pest! Eggs, shmeggs.

    Ramorra might be better.

    1. I salute your ineffable optimism, SG.

      Just been to see Lincoln. Got a bit lost at the beginning, not being well up in history and law and stuff. But it's absolutely fascinating, and what a great man.

    2. Did he get all the vampires in the end?

    3. thought you'd gone a bit Madmac for a minute there, Adam. A quick google of vampires lincoln sorted that out.

    4. stirrin' up a stooshie, what else to do around here?

    5. that's okay then, keep up the good work. I'm away back to my whiteout wanderings.

  4. Happy New Year outlaws.

    I feel like a bullet from the gun of Robert ford / Elton John
    Dreaming of you / The OK Coral

    1. Welcome back Paolo, where have you been?

    2. Rockin in the free world

  5. Did my ears deceive me earlier? I'm sure I heard Scotch Git given a shout on Get it On.

      I prefer to credit Sir Noël Peirce Coward and his wee ditty!


    At the end of the show, Bryan said that tomorrow's theme was Family Favourites, but the website insists that Family Favourites is, in fact, Thursday's theme, and tomorrow's is Play Your Cards Right

    The King Has Lost His Crown
    - Abba

    1. Your Noel Coward shout obviously confused him ;-p

  7. Does the new Pulp single remind you of anything??

    1. 3 bags of marmalade oranges waiting to be attended to this evening?

    2. Yes but I can't quite decide what.

  8. In our amusingly shaped vegetables section, this caught my eye yesterday.
    Whilst reading the reports of the Campeanato Carioca (football) midweek games the sub-headline of the Madureira - Macae match made me chuckle. It read MAD 2 x 1 MAC.

    Monday is mince!

    Tuesday might be better!

    Could it be worser?

  10. It is now apparent that BBC Scotland's record collection consists of Now That's What I Call Music Vols. 1 to 83 (on semi-permanent loan from Govan Library). Expect New Seekers and lots of giggling.

    1. It's more complicated than that. From my current position amidst the disorientation of the white-out, compounded by the stinging spin drift and snow blindness has been reenforced by the GIO daily nightmare of repetitive maladaptive behaviour.

      My latest e-mail of issue has already been submitted.

  11. Friday is an album theme.

    Two hours of album tracks mebbe........

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Ach, sorry y'all it'd been said before & on reflection wasn't worth posting.
    I've been advised previously they're nice people & it's a tough gig ;-0
    So I'm away back to the Cairngorm Plateau but before I go can I leave you with this question, who'd be your preferred drive time radio dream team and what should the show consist of?

  14. As all interviewees say nowadays, that's a good question. The show should consist of a mix of old and new, it shouldn't be afraid to play the lesser-known tracks by the well-kent bands, it should play a good variety of all the great current music, and it should definitely not tell us what listeners are having for their tea. A quick look at Tom Morton, Iain Anderson or Roddy Hart's playlists show what can be done. So if you're able to listen during the day or late at night you're catered for, but if you want something to accompany a solitary tea or a tedious drive home then tough, you must be a moron and able only to enjoy songs you know all the words to, accompanied by inane laughter and details of other folks' fancy menus. I can't see how any programme can survive by being as repetitive as GIO. The themes have been done to death, the songs have been done to death. Is Bryan not bored out of his skull? I don't know who I'd choose as presenter, but s/he'd be really knowledgeable and s/he'd not have a sidekick. The listener likes to feel as if s/he is being spoken to, not as if s/he were eavesdropping on a particularly inane convo.

    But as you say, all been said before. You take care out there, MadMac.


      Tom Morton's playlists? Shurely shome mishtake!

      I abandoned Tom Morton in favour of BBC Radio England ages ago. And I've never forgiven him for displacing Mr. Anderson's Fine Tunes, the bestest radio show that ever was!

      I don't have a problem with Bryan as presenter, but I'm not convinced that producers' contributions being broadcast on air is wise.

      And... I'm suffering from withdrawal symptons as a direct result of Alison Craig deprivation.

      puir wee git

    2. no mistake - but maybe the songs are a wee bit modern for you, old-fashioned git?

      as for Alison, she's been cheeky about my Tom more than once. She's mince.

      how am I doing in the stooshie dept?

      Well, we would all like to be cheeky about Tom Petty, but no-one wants to upset Gaie fae Greenock!

      Heartbreakers? They sound more like they're breaking wind! (Fartbreakers).


      (Does she like Tom Morton or Greenock Morton? Och, wha kin tell the difference?)

    4. And you, Mr Git, are sailing way close to the wind.

      Now that the deer have left my garden I could do with a wee bit target practice. Remember, I know where you live (approximately).....

      The authorities have been informed. Please tell the nice Policeman who will come round tomorrow for tea & biscuits what the range is on yon Bambi-killer.

      (The nice Sheriff issuing the restraining order needs to know).


  15. ps apparently Tom Morton's moving to a weekend evening show. Maybe there's a shake-up on the way she said with boundless optimism.

      P.S. Norrie won't be happy about that. What will he listen to when he's supposed to be working?

      We should be telt!


    2. Can't be doing with Tom Morton either...he Jools Holland does. Alison's rubbish too...sorry about that but she's nearly as bad as Babs. Did Janice stand in once and wasn't any great shakes either? I think it's really BB's show but too much input from producers spoils it.

    3. Are Fred MacAuley and John Beattie really the best Scotland has to offer? They make me long for the golden days of Jimmie MacGregor and his six week series about potatoes.

      Fred's show appears to be sponsored by the Heathrow shuttle which imports a steady stream of English "comedians" who are as funny as toothache.

    4. I like Tom Morton. Alison isn't as bad as Colin and Justin ☺

    5. Were they the interior designers who soonded like Julie's "High Life" lauds?

  16. Rather bizarrely the most played song on Get it On so far this year is "Mr Pharmacist" by The Fall.

    1. well there you have it, we're only 5 weeks into the year and already they have a 'most played'. Of all the music in all the world, why repeat, repeat, repeat

    2. Precisely, Gaie!

    3. The Fall may actually be tied with "Money" by Pink Floyd. If anyone cares really.

  17. I think BB is no too bad a presenter, I think he's spoiled sometimes though by bad ideas.

    If there were to be a change would it have to be a Scot that got the job? (Are all the presenters Scottish on Radio Scotland?)

    Changing the subject a wee bit, I hear the Radio 2 rip-off of GIO is breaking audience records.

    1. If it doesn't we could start one.

      As a drive-time show it's okay. The presenter does ask for suggestions on a theme, but not all records played match the theme, and the ones that do tend to be rather obvious.

      It's a request show, Jim; but not as we know it!

      The bloggers swap recipes, exchange gossip and provide running commentaries on sick animals. (Usually dugs & cats).

      Having said that, they seem to be very nice folk!

      It's a blog, Jim; but not as we know it!


    3. as it happened I was listening to the Drivetime show last night, was nearly put off my tea by the confession (where someone owns up to something they did years ago) but Steve Earle was good and the Joe Bonamassa track to finish, a cracker.

  18. I am none too happy about Tom Morton getting the boot. How will I fill my afternoons....
