Sunday, 17 June 2012

Theres a first!

Or is it? Probably not! Songs about firsts....

Could this be night we have First Of The Gang To Die by the mighty Mozz!


  1. Bloc Party - The Pioneers
    The Pioneers - Let Your Yeah be Yeah
    Sons of The Pioneers - Tumbling Tumbleweed

    ...that'll do. I'll tell 'em about my Euro 2012 Culinary challenge...they'll be enthralled and play 'em all!

  2. Is anyone still listening to that show?

    1. Not really these days. Half a show a week on average.

    2. a bit of one of Vic's shows last week

    3. Nope, apart from a two minute blast en route to the Co-op during which I was 'serenaded' by some kids' 'music'. I listened to Radio two on the way back

  3. My audience research indicates that Get It On should be taken off the air.

    1. I concur, no reception to be had in Strathfarrar.

  4. Agreed then.

    From Monday - The Henri Hannah Show ( well, he has had professional experience).

  5. First man in space - Yuri Gagarin

    Sounds like a good excuse for the blog favourite:

    Oi Va Voi - "Yuri"

  6. "Feels Like The First Time" - Foreigner

    A shoo in.

    Thing-Fish's latest blog comment sums up my feelings very well.


    1. Brilliant? Well done thingfish

    2. Agreed.

      I'm now attempting to canvass JZ's opinion ;-)

  8. Norrie, your hero was on Sky Arts1 this evening talking to Elvis Costello; I only saw the last 10 mins or so but you can catch part 2 tomorrow at 7.00pm, if you are a low enough form of life to have a telly of course.

    1. I think it was repossessed after the last paternity suit.

  9. the thing fish rant is disingenuous.
    he'll still listen in to the programme the same as everybody else.

    so the blog is dead, yes thats sad.

    however if the show is about getting your music played then why not just use the other methods offered?
    everybody else does.
    so the programme deteriorates because the bloggers take the huff?
    hmm.maybe not.
    there is still quite a high proportion of bloggers getting their songs played.

    there were too many personal insults directed at the production team on the blog. nobody needs that.

    1. It's never to late to say you're sorry.

      Looking back now I can see they were only doing their best and pretty poor it was, too. Typical of the second rate stuff routinely palmed off on Scotland.

      Our only hope now is to ride on the coat tails of a Disney cartoon. Turn out the lights it's time to go.

      I disagree. Thing-Fish took Bryan's rambling explanation of "Why the blog has passed its sell-by date and anyway if you think about it we're doing you a favour" and turned it around to something resembling the truth.

      Personal insults directed at the production team? I've read a few in texts and emails, but I doubt they would have been tolerated on the blog. If BBC licence-fee payers think that there is room for improvement, they are entitled to say so on a blog which, ultimately, they are paying for.

      Yes, the show has deteriorated, (IMHO), but not because the bloggers have taken the huff. It's because the team only want to listen to people who will tell them what they want to hear.

    3. Note the italics - this man is delivering quality product here. Sit up at the back!

    4. Dear Anonymous,

      I used to tune in because I liked the idea of getting a name check now and again, and also to hear what my fellow bloggers suggestions sounded like. It was a 'personal' show. Not any more.

      I'll put on the radio if I have nothing better to do and not especially to hear the show any more.

      This is not taking the huff, it's merely that I no longer feel a personal need to tune in. This blog is much better fun

      I can even talk to myself

    5. It was supposed to be a disgruntled blogger’s spoof on Bryan’s original blog by turning everything round. I think everyone else would have got that (including the GIO Team if they were to see it).
      Why do you take Thing-Fish so seriously? You need to lighten up, man! If there are insults in there, it can only be as a result of bloggers being insulted in the first place as all I did was reverse each statement! Interesting that SG interprets this as the truth.
      At least I have the courage to reveal my identity rather than hide behind the anonymity of an anonymous blog!
      Unless of course you are GIO presenter who didn’t get it….hmmmm….

    6. It was an excellent spoof. The complaints we made were repeatedly qualified by us saying it was because we cared about the show. Well, no more. I did send in a couple of requests to Vic last week, because he's done OK by me in the past, but I couldn't have told you what today's theme was and I don't even bother to check playlists now. I've disengaged completely from the show. Time to Move On someone said. Oh yes, it was Tom Petty. oh! oh! oh! One more sleep!

    7. Well, i stuck a request on F***book tonight which got played and I got a couple of other mentions.. and.. they played two things I'd been petitioning for years 'They' by Jem and Dreadzone.

      Typical, just when I've almost entirely given up....of course, you know you won't sleep.

      regardez youse


    8. Henri, It was a cunning plan to retain at least one blogger ;-0

  10. Strewth, I've never considered whether I have taken Thing-Fish seriously. It's quite a thing to think about.

    Thing- Fish,Seriously.

    regardez youse


  11. Still tune in? No!
    In the huff? Certainly not!
    Anonymous? Never!
    Closed blog? Doesn't appear so!
    Deterioration? Absolutely!
    Use alternative means of contact? Only to hurl abuse!

    Nighty, Night!

  12. BTW & in-keeping with Norrie's thread...

    I find myself cheering on the Auld Enemy... think it's got something to do with our on-going no show and a craving for some kind of association / participation!

    Now there's a first!

    1. Guys you can look up to. Thugs, racists, adulterers and junkies. Sport in the 21st century. Roll on Olympics.

    2. Rooney_from_Rio20 June 2012 at 08:56

      Bring on the Italians!!

    3. How.... are they all of the above too?
