Tuesday, 5 June 2012

The artists who quit too soon

Yes another great theme. Leavy all your banter on this topic here.

Aplogies for my absence as I have been getting blootered with Liz.


  1. Apologies ain't necessary Mr MacLean... trust it was a nice malt to toast HRH ;-)

    Wall Of Voodoo feat. Stan Ridgeway ~ Call Of The West please.

  2. Something from buddy holly would be nice. Dunno why he quit. Was showing a lot of promise

  3. Adam, in reply to Harryfaegatehoose "remember him?" I explained that I wasn't someone who takes pleasure in others less fortunate or alternatively how wonderful others are in their carer role, nothing controversial!

    In reflection, it's a crass idea in my opinion and one whereby Get It On oversteps it's remit for that of it's own hype!

    1. not controversial at all m_m. everybody is entitled to an opinion.although i exclude fascists from that.
      radio is a hugely powerful medium. get it on has a huge following.
      one of its great strengths is how inclusive a programme it is. it is non-judgemental and fair.
      when someone decides to lay bare a highly personal and sometimes quite intimate aspect of their life then its worth paying attention especially when describing a life threatening illness.....there may be a young person who has a close relative going through such an illness and hearing of others in a similar situation and how they deal with the illness may serve as a source of comfort and hope to the young person.
      it is quite often an inspirational programme and there are not many of these around with lots of decent songs as well.

      cheers frae the dale

  4. Ach there's loads of self help books or groups out there nowadays... you don't need a mention & pop record played on irrational radio.

    1. maybe if you're a six or seven year old with no access to the array of self help books but access to a radio being played in the kitchen while the spag bol is being prepared and a story is read out describing an illness that perhaps the child's grandparent suffers from, then who knows, that could be a point of contact.
      and you're right , i don't need a mention but someone else might and that might ease their pain. not something i'de want to disparage.

      cheers frae the dale

  5. or subliminal stimuli to address listener churn?

  6. I'd like a record played for my friend Norman Bates. As well as holding down a demanding job in the hospitality industry, Norman devotes himself to providing a life for his mother, whose condition continues to deteriorate daily. There is literally nothing he would not do for her. I think he would like to hear anything by Edie Puss.

      Edie Puss, Shmedie Puss!

      So long as he loves his mammy...

  7. U dis pees?

  8. I'm struggling with this theme.
    Who packed it in at the top?
    I keep thinking Gilbert O Sullivan and George Michael but that was because of wrangles with their record companies and they never stopped altogether.

    There was this guy, but I think he didnt really have much of a choice. (I'm not talking about our hero who does the introduction btw)


  9. David Marks left The Beach Boys in 1963. After some consideration he has rejoined on their 50th Anniversary "Let's Try And Recoup Some Of The Money We Wasted On Lawyers" Tour. I think their single sounds great although it seems to include Brian's Wondermints pals.

  10. Jefferson Starship playing The Ferry in October. Only Paul Kantner left from the Airplane but who among their fans is likely to notice?

  11. I see Herb Reed of the Platters died yesterday. 83.

    No prizes for guessing which song will be played at the cremation tomorrow.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Avoiding the poor taste of the obvious, I'd suggest anything by The Big Dish or Scarborough Fair (parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme...).

  12. Getting blootered with Liz. Better than getting bladdered with Phil ☺

      You'll have had your G & T?

    2. Glad our Norrie is obviously on the mend after Liz's four day bender.. when i dropped him off after the blog social he was heading straight for the first available hostelry, mind you it might have been my driving...:-)

      regardez youse


  13. I see Ray Bradbury died today. 91.

    No prizes for guessing what the oven temperature will be at the cremation this Friday.

    1. I bet you can't wait for the demise of one of The Trammps.

    2. Adam, I bet the first thing you read in the Rio Courier is the death notices

      I salute his flammability!


      I salute his inflammability!

  14. Too late that was earlier this year

  15. I see a theme emerging. Come Fry With Me - music to accompany cremations.

  16. Best death scene ever....

    "Frying tonight!"

    Carry on Screaming

  17. How on earth did The Police and The Eurythmics qualify for tonight's theme??

    1. Del Amitri - I love
      Bible - a favourite

      neither quit too soon.
