Wednesday, 29 August 2012

They are taking her children away.....

NO! Not The KIDS from Lou reeds epic Berlin album, but your cahnce to nominate (again) the songs your Kids introduced you to.


  1. Hello!! This theme has fairly sparked things off...

    1. Ssssh Billy, trying to sleep in here

    2. Night John Boy.......

    3. Who knows - maybe some listeners have had new kids since the last time this was on who have introduced them to new stuff. ............ possibly an unlikely scenario, at least towards the end of that sentence. Or the kids they had the last time this was on have introduced them to new stuff in the interim. Or they never got their shout in the last time this was on and they want to give them a chance. Or they are appealing to listeners who weren't listeners the last time this was on. Whatever - too many variables. No excuse for repeat themes.

    4. M_D of course some people will also be having a different dinner this time round. Or is that tea. Or supper. Julie will correct me.

  2. M-D is talking in her sleep.....
